Not Your Typical Weight Loss Tips

You have probably read hundreds of articles and visited many websites in search of weight loss tips. When you read these articles my guess is all of them have some weight loss tip about eating something healthy, or when to eat or how many times a day to eat.

While all of these weight loss tips are great and very valid, you probably have them committed to memory. So rather than repeat the same weight loss tips stating to eat low fat foods and limit the sugar intake, these weight loss tips are all non-food related tips. These weight loss tips will help you get in the weight loss mind set, plan for it and give you the right weight loss motivation to reach your goal.

Weight Loss Tip #1Want It

You are probably thinking to yourself, I would not be reading this article if I did not want it. Well, many times people will try to lose weight but because they think others feel they should lose weight. To really be successful at weight loss, you have to want it for yourself.

The mind is a powerful tool and can either be helpful in your quest for weight loss or can be harmful. Take some time to really think about what you want out of your weight loss journey. Where is it you want to be? Think in terms of a healthy weight loss and the weight that is right for you.

Weight Loss Tip #2Set a Goal

One you know you want it, now set a goal. Write your goal down and keep it in a place that is visible to you each day. Make one large goal and several smaller goals like a weekly or monthly goal. Make your goal realistic. Remember, the weight did not come on over night and probably will not come off overnight. Most experts will tell you a slow but steady weight loss is the best for taking it off and keeping if off.

Now make a plan to reach your goal. How do you plan on losing weight? Some people will only change their eating habits while others will add exercise. Studies show that those who add exercise will not only lose weight faster but have a higher percent of keeping it off.

Regardless of how you plan your weight loss, remember to always aim for your goal. Stay motivated by reading your goals daily.

Weight Loss Tip #3Make Changes

Now that you have your plan, start to make the appropriate changes in your lifestyle to reach your goal. Try making one or two changes each week or every other week. As the new change becomes a natural thing, make another change.

Maybe you start by changing the way you plan meals. Make a menu plan and then shop for the items you need, selecting healthier foods or more veggies. Get the whole family involved and introduce them to your new healthy foods for dinner.

Weight Loss Tip #4Keep a Diary

Keeping a weight loss journal or diary is a great way to keep your mind on your weight loss goals. Your weight loss journal can be anything you want it to be. Maybe you want to track the foods and calorie content or your exercise routines or both. Jotting down your thoughts and how you feel each day will also help you to identify certain emotional eating habits.

If you had a bad day, don't beat yourself up and feel guilty. Instead, write it down in your journal and then write a positive notation about how tomorrow will be. Get your mind back to being positive and don't dwell on the negative.

Weight Loss Tip #5Track It

There is nothing more motivational than seeing your progress. By tracking your weight loss progress, you will have a visual aid to show you how you are doing. Your final goal may be a way off and this can be discouraging. So, when you feel yourself feeling like there is no end to your weight loss journey, take a look at your weight loss chart. Even if it is only 5 pounds so far or only 1/2 pound this week, it's still a loss and worth celebrating.

Remember, the chart may not always be going in the right direction. That's okay, just make adjustments to your plan to get you back on the losing trail.